Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Danger Zone!

You know those treats that you discover that are so danerously good that they should be kept out of reach?  Well, I have yet another to share with you.  I know, I'm evil.  If you have been living under a rock, you may not have heard of the wonderfully delightful brand Coconut Bliss.  The founders Luna and Larry and amazing individuals.  They have somehow developed a dangerously delicious vegan ice cream made from coconut and agave syrup.  That's right, it's sugar free!  Wha?  This is actually something that I just discovered last night while reading the side of the carton as I ate from the pint Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge in my kitchen.  The first thing that came into my head was "You've got to be kidding me...I could have been eating this the whole time I was on my cleanse?!  Damnit!" 

I know in an earlier posting I kind of condemned Coconut oil, with it's 85% saturated fat content.  It ends up there is a lot of controversy in the nutrition world when it comes to coconut.  Raw foodists swear by it, and so do a lot of nutrtitionists.  The fat found in coconut does not need to be broken down in our body and are immediately read to be used as energy.  Coconut fat stimulates your metabolism!  It has oodles of health benefits including aiding in digestion and absorption of nutrients, boosting energy and endurance (coconut water anyone?), reduces inflammation, supports tissue healing and repair, improves cholesterol ratio, supports thyroid function, is used by the body to produce energy rather than being stored as fat...this is only a small fraction of the health benefits.  In other words, there are so many health benefits from eating coconut that it should be a part of your balanced diet.  So why not include a serving of Coconut Bliss?! 

You can learn more about Coconut Bliss here.  You can also learn more about coconut at http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/. 


  1. Hi Rachel,
    Thanks for the awesome Coconut Bliss shout out!
    Kiley @ Coconut Bliss

  2. Did you invite Coconut Bliss to Vegan Fest as an exhibitor?

  3. Thank you Kiley for working for such an amazing company! I love Coconut Bliss!

    Gina, I haven't invited Coconut bliss to Mad City Vegan Fest, but I will check with Courtney and then send an invitation along if we haven't aready done so!

  4. Hi Ladies,
    If you haven't sent us an invite please send it to christina (at) coconutbliss (dot) com she is coordinating our veg/vegan fests this year.

    Rachel thanks for the love! I do work for an amazing company-and love every minute of it :)

